Even if you're haunted by bad credit, applying for an auto loan doesn't have to be a frightening experience. It really just comes down to finding the right dealership. In fact, your spirits will be lifted once you find a dealer with connections to lenders that can work with your situation.

Also, once you're approved for an auto loan, you'll have an opportunity to reanimate your credit. Your timely payments will gradually bring your credit score back from the grave. And once your vehicle is paid for, you might be able to look at your credit report and shout, "It's alive! It's alive!"

No "Trick" Auto Loan Assistance

Auto Loan Approval

Sure, it's the season for things to not always be what they seem. But if you need to buy a car with bad credit, you don't have time for tricks. At Drivers Lane, we understand how you feel. We've been helping car buyers with bad credit for nearly two decades. That's why we want to "treat" you to the best possible auto loan assistance.

We can match you with a dealership in your area that can give you your best chance at financing approval. And in order to make this process go smoothly, you'll need a few things:

  • Valid Driver's License
  • Recent Paycheck Stubs
  • Utility Bill Addressed to You
  • Phone Bill (Not Pay-As-You-Go)
  • List of Six Personal References

Most special finance lenders have certain requirements that applicants must meet in order to get an auto loan approval. So before you apply for financing, ask yourself the following questions:

  • Do you make at least $1,500 (gross) per month?
  • Have you been at your job for at least six months?
  • Have you lived in your home for at least a year?
  • Do you have enough cash to cover tax, title and license fees?
  • Are you able to provide a down payment?

If you were able to answer "yes" to all of these questions, you are a great candidate for a bad credit auto loan. However, even if your response is "no" to one or more of them, it doesn't necessarily mean that you won't get approved. This is because special finance lenders make decisions on a case-by-case basis. So no matter what your situation looks like, you may still be able to get the financing you need.

Taking the Fear Out of Financing

At Drivers Lane, the service we provide is free and comes with no obligations. We also have a nationwide network of reputable, qualified dealers. No matter where you are, you won't have to go far to find out how easy and hassle-free car buying can be. In fact, you may be able to purchase your vehicle with little or no money down.

So don't be afraid to fill out our simple and secure online application. If you get started today, you might be driving your next new or used car, truck van or SUV as soon as tomorrow.